Summative ELPAC (Ballico -- whole group)

Summative ELPAC (Ballico -- whole group)
3/18/2025, 9:00 AM 11:00 AM
Ballico School cafeteria

The Summative ELPAC assessment will be broken down into 3 days for each domain. A list of student's names will be shared with teachers on a spreadsheet indicating which students will be taking the ELPAC assessment. The first day will be the listening domain assessment. The second day will be for students to take the reading domain assessment. The third day will be for students to take the writing domain assessment. The speaking domain will be held 1-on-1 with students (this week or TBA). If by any chance there is a student that is absent within these testing dates, a make up day will be scheduled with the student at a later time.  

Below you will find the following time slots for each grade cohort. An intercom announcement will be made for students to report to the cafeteria on the set date so please wait until it is announced.  
Grades 3-5 -- 9:00 - 10:00 a.m. 
Please wait until intercom announcement before sending EL students to cafeteria.* 
Grades 6-8 -- 10:00 -11:00 a.m. 

Thank you, 
Ms. Ramirez

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